FP7 and FP6 projects



NanoCharm - Multifunctional Nanomaterials Characterization Exploiting Ellipsometry and Polarimetry

NanoCharm is a Europen FP7 project on Multifunctional Nanomaterials Characterization Exploiting Ellipsometry and Polarimetry. Objectives of NanoCharm project are:
• to characterize the nanoworld, using ellipsometry and polarimetry
• to provide a platform for nanomaterials and nano applications exploiting ellipsometry
• to develop and refine the nano measurement tools of the future
• to promote education, communication, dissimination of knowledge, networking, research and innovation in characterization of nanomaterials.
Project started on 01. January 2008. Duration of project is 3 years; Budget: 111.000 € (our share). Our group leader: Dr Radoš Gajić.

NIM_NIL - Negative Index Materials by Nanoimprint Lithography

NIM_NIL is a Europen FP7 project on Large Area Fabrication of 3D Negative Index Materials by Nanoimprint Lithography, which started on 01. September 2009. Duration of project is 3 years; Budget: ~300.000 € (our share). Our group leader: Dr Radoš Gajić



- Centre of Excellence for Optical Spectroscopy Applications in Physics

The aim of this project is to improve the level of scientific and technological research in the Centre for Solid State Physics and New Materials of Institute of Physics in order that it should become the Centre of Excellence for Optical Spectroscopy Applications (OPSA) in Physics, Material Science and Environmental Protection. The OPSA Centre should contribute to improving the existing and establishing new links with European Centers in the field of applications of the advanced spectroscopy techniques in diverse fields of the natural science, through the active exchange of scientists between OPSA Centre and European institutes and universities, international workshops and training of young scientists.
The main objectives of the Centre of excellence for OPSA are as follows:

•To promote long term research into understanding phenomena, mastering processes and developing research tools in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies through an upgrade and renew of our experimental techniques.
•To develop human potential by educational and training activities.
•To promote cooperative research and technological and educational activities between research centers, universities and industry in the field of Micro- and Nano-technologies and Microsystems.

The OPSA project addresses the following thematic area of FP6 Programme: 3.4.1 Nanotechnologies and nanosciences. In particular this project contributes to: Long-term interdisciplinary research into understanding phenomena, mastering processes and developing research tools.
Data about project: OPSA 026283 project signed on 29.06.2006; Duration of project is 3 years; Budget: 400.000 €
Head of Project: Prof. Dr Zoran V. Popović.

- Controlling Mesoscopic Phase Separation

CoMePhS 517039 project is FP6 STREP project on Controlling Mesoscopic Phase Separation. It belongs to thematic priority: Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences: Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials and New Production Processes and Devices. The main objective of the CoMePhS project is precisely to understand, manipulate and control the phase competition to a level that allows mastering of the resulting mesoscopic texture.
Duration of project: 42 months; Budget: 207400 € (our share in a 24 month period, EC contribution 50%). Our group leader: Dr Zoran V. Popović. Project ended in November 2008.


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